Saturday, December 1, 2012

"Knott So Shabby" for day 1!

After a month or so of preparing for my first day open, it finally arrived!  Some think the hardest part of this business is the painting...wrong.  For me the painting is like sweet therapy.  Between being a parent of 5 children, keeping house and paying the bills, I truly LOVE to get away in my shop and just chill and let my creative juices flow into my furniture.  Finding the furniture to paint on the other hand, is a whole other beast!  I hand pick every piece I paint and when doing so, I look for character and good quality the most (and reasonably priced of course!).  Sometimes that means I have to drive here and there to pick these pieces up.  So, when I decided to open a shop to "display" my work, I was like a mad woman driving all over God's creation looking and bargaining and begging!  I finally thought I could relax for a while when I had my entire inventory painted and beautifully displayed in my sparkly new shop...not so much.
Today, I went in thinking, it will be o.k. if I don't sell anything, I always have next week.  Well, my first customers came in around 10 a.m. and by 1 p.m., I had sold 7 pieces, yikes!  Now, I'm not complaining a bit, it's a good "yikes", but just when I thought I could take a breather after working so hard on setting up shop, I left my store today feeling happy, proud and quite honestly a little freaked out!  After every piece that was taken out today, I felt panic kicking in. I need more furniture, I need more furniture is all I was thinking. But, as always, I work best under pressure, so all will be well soon enough!  I am thankful for my wonderful husband who stayed home with the children for a whole day and soon found what it's like a day in my shoes, my very helpful teenage daughters for helping around the house with daily chores, and of course, for God who gives me strength, patience and guidance every day.