Thursday, October 25, 2012

A little change in plans

It's funny how things start out small and then kind of snow ball into something much bigger.  I'm talking about me and my little, well was suppose to be little,  business!  When I started refurbishing furniture last year in California, it was just to make a few buck a month to help with the bills a bit.  And I assumed I would do the same here in Illinois when we moved back.  You know, a few pieces a month to be refurbished and then sold on Craigslist.  Well, for some time I've been thinking, no,  more like dreaming of opening a little shop of my own.  And by golly that's what has happened!  It all started on rainy morning after I dropped off my son at Preschool,  I took my normal route down Main Street dreaming I could have a shop there some day.  Thinking there might be something to rent,  even though I knew it would most likely be way out of my budget, I kept my eyes opened for a sign.  I get just about to the end of my route when I spot this little card board sign stuffed in the corner of the window of a cute little shop!  The building is one of many Historic building here in Columbia and I just fell in love with it at first sight.  So, I call the number, still wondering what the heck I was even doing it for.  After finding out how reasonable the rent was, I crunched a few numbers, talked to my hubby and here we are getting ready to be open for business in mid November!  Well they told me it was going to be crazy hard at the beginning of opening a shop, but I thought please, I have 5 children, nothing could be that hard.  They were right.  Since the day we, and I mean my wonderful husband and my childhood bestie Jen, have been there every night!  The tenant before me had a paint your own pottery store and the walls were painted, well, let's just say rainbow bright!  After 4 gallons of primer and 5 gallons of paint, we finally got it to looking exactly what i had in visioned,  a cozy cottage.
So, besides cleaning and painting the new shop, I have been shopping for inventory, painting the inventory and doing all of  those legal things you must do to start your own business, whew.  Oh, and how could I forgot, being a stay at home mom to 5 kiddos!  I'm hoping things will settle down a bit after i have the shop all full of goodies and I get the hang of things.  So if you don't see me on here for a few days, its not because I gave up on blogging, it's because I'm running around in a million different directions hoping to catch up with myself soon!