Friday, February 22, 2013

Knott So Shabby's TV Debut!

I wouldn't call my self an actress by any means.  Besides being in musicals and a few plays in High School, my acting skills are well pretty amateure.  So, you can imagine my anxiety when I received a call a few weeks ago from St. Louis Channel 4 host Virginia Kerr wanting to know if  I, with my shop, would be interested in being on Great Day St. Louis. Oh and also wants to know if they can come the next day at 2 p.m.!   Sure, I guess I'm ok under pressure.  In college I did ok in presenting a speech.  In mass on Sunday's I read the scriptures with no problem, but this is TV we're talking about people! How many eyes are going to be on me?!  Of course I say yes, because well frankly, who would miss this opportunity?   Ok, panic set in a bit I'll admit.  So I run home that evening and could hardly get it out to my family about my fabulous news!  They couldn't believe that their mom was going be on TV!  My husband asks, so is the French Dining Room Set ready to go to the shop?  Um, NO!  The shop was actually looking s little bare at that time.  Several pieces sold that week and I was just finishing up on the French Dining Set. Off to my workshop I went and for the next 3 hours, I worked frantically on the the set, giving it it's finishing touches.  It had to be just perfect.  After all it was going to be on TV the NEXT day!  Of course my amazing supportive husband helps me load the set that night and haul it to the shop in 9 degree weather. Yes, I was literally doing jumping jacks to stay warm as he tied it all down!  We get it the store around 9 and by 10 o'clock the shop is looking beautifully full again.
The next morning I couldn't get anything right; my hair, my make up, my clothes, ack! I give up and make it to the shop for opening at 12:30.  I do a little last minute sprucing up when the phone rings.  It was Channel 4 calling to inform me that Virginia has called in sick and couldn't make it that day.  I'm not going to lie, I almost cried, but didn't.  The woman was very apologetic, and wanted to reschedule.  We arranged to meet the following week which I think was a blessing in disguise.  I really wanted to have more of my work in the shop and maybe even make an appointment for someone else to do my hair, yikes....

That's me getting prepped with my mic by
Virginia Kerr of Great Day St. Louis!
Click HERE to see the show!

On February 13th 2013, I made my TV debut.  The day was sunny, the shop was full of treasures, and by golly I got my hair done, haha!  Yes, my nerves had the best of me until the hour of their arrival.  But I  have to say that no sooner than when I met Virginia Kerr, I felt a sense of calmness.  She introduced herself and made me feel confident and self assured as she walked around the shop in awe of my work!  She was very kind and really down to earth, like me.  I think that's why I felt at ease when taping began.  When the camera rolled, I did my thing hoping for the best and received better.  The showed aired on February 19th. With my family and best friend, we watched the show and my heart was filled with pride.  Not so much because it was me and my store, but because of all the love and support I receive from my husband who helps me load and unload and load again and again. For my children, who have had to give up a little of their time with mommy so that she can pursue her passion for painting and design. And finally for my best friend Jen, who has been my biggest cheerleader and go to girl for just about anything and everything. And last but not least to my cousin Natascha, who without her heart felt letter that was sent to Channel 4, I wouldn't have had this amazing experience.  Thank you all!

Me with my amazing supportive family at Knott So Shabby's ribbon cutting!